OLLVM Deflatten Script

OLLVM is a commonly used compiler-level obfuscation technique. One of the core feature is called control flow flattenning which adjusts the basic blocks within a single function to make the decompiled result highly verbose.

OLLVM works on different architectures as it reuses LLVM compiler framework which in turn works on different architectures.

By using pcode patching feature, we have achieved half-automatically OLLVM control flow flattenning deobfuscation.


Step 1: find the script.

Open up the script manager, search for ollvm_de_flattening.py script.

Step 2: find the initial block id number (a magic number)

For each program obfuscated with OLLVM control flow flattening, a bunches of magic numbers are used to indicate which block is to execute next.

This step requires you to highlight out (by click mouse left-button on the number) the first magic number.

Normally the magic number will appear above the beginning of the loop.

ollvm_choose_magic number

Step 3: run the script

By double clicking the script, it should deobfuscate the control flow flatening.

Supported Architectures

Arch NamesSupport


  • This only works for OLLVM, not any control flow flattening scheme.